I'm The Lonely Wanderer, That I Am
Wake Up Little Susie, Wake Up
Wake Up Little Susie, Wake Up

2005-02-14 - 11:01 p.m.

I would just like to start off askin...why in the hell is Rachel Ray so fucking hot? I mean, damn!!! That woman has a smile that would just light up the entire hemisphere if it were to be plunged into total darkness. What a damn fine looking ass also. If I had a chance...I would soooo take it.
I saw one of the funniest damned things Saturday night. Fry comes walking in wearing a button down shirt with...are you ready? SWEATPANTS!!! I'm no fashion guru of any kind but...I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. For ten minutes too. Of course I had to text Roger and tell him the funny shit.
In case some of you were wondering...no I didn't get anything for V-day today. Big shocker there eh? Yeah nothing from my friends, nor my family. Which is okay on the family part, because we don't really celebrate this day all that much. Over ten years ago today, my cousin Nikki died. She an extremely (that goes without saying really) severe athsma attack. Yes it is possible. Look it up. It happens more than most people realize. This is another reason why I don't really like my b-day all that much either. That was the day that she was buried. I'm sad not because I was close to Nikki, because I wasn't. In fact my sisters were closer to her than me. Its the fact that she died of an athsma attack. The same damned lung crap that I have.
On the semi-bright side, my athsma hasn't really kicked up any in a while. Which is good, since winter is brutal to me in that respect.
I still remember the little song and dance routine thing that Nikki and my sisters did a couple of times. They played the song "Wake Up Little Susie". Nikki was "little Susie" and and they all lip synced to the song. Everytime I hear that song, I think of them back then. Back when my sisters were happy being sisters.
I miss those days.

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